Our Mission:


Our Mission Statement

Our aim is to teach patients how to fix themselves and stay pain-free without fear of re-injury. We treat patients with SIMPLE exercises, without the need for costly and painful tests, medications, injections or surgeries in as FEW visits as possible.

Most patients average about five visits in order to return to their prior level of function.

Our Approach

We specialize in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT) or The McKenzie Method.

Developed by world-renowned expert physiotherapist Robin McKenzie in the 1950s, MDT is a reliable assessment process used for all musculoskeletal or orthopedic conditions such as back/neck pain, pain in the arms/legs, sciatica, numbness/tingling, stiffness and tightness to determine the cause of your symptoms. 

With MDT we are able to zero in on the true source of your problem. We listen to you. The assessment involves a detailed questioning about your condition. There are no diagnostic tests or MRI’s. Once the true source of the pain is diagnosed, we will work together on a targeted approach to healing — without medication, heat, cold, ultrasound, injections, or surgery.


About Pain Management

Pain happens. We run too hard, lift too much, bend too far… And sometimes it happens for no apparent reason at all.

It’s our body’s way of saying, slow down, fix this.

Suffering is different. It’s both physical and emotional.

Physical suffering happens when we wait too long to get help. Or when the treatment we try fails, and the pain continues.

Emotional suffering is our mind turning the physical pain into fear. We go into worst-possible-scenario mode. I’ll never be able to run, lift weights, pick up my grandchild, sleep through the night, live my life like I want to again. 

We deal with pain every day. Other people’s pain. Our mission has been to treat our patients without the need for costly and often unnecessary tests, surgeries, or medications. 

Over the past decade we have helped over a thousand people get through their pain and get back to the business of living a full and productive life.  

We can help you.

“Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.”
― Haruki Murakami